Conceived and photographed by Chris Pieretti, re:vision is a collection of sixteen artists and creative minds in New York City. From Alife co-founder Tony Arcabascio, to Broken Flowers and ABC's Invasion actress Alexis Dziena, Pieretti shows each subject working as their respective craft moves from vision to reality.

The hard cover, 176-page book also uses the collections of Dorothy Twining Globus to reinforce the theme of the creative sparks that join these people together. Whether it be a piece of music, a design on a page, a skateboard move, or a painting, the artists contained in re:vision all share a common thread of creativity and drive. This is re:vision.

Available here and at select boutiques including: Colette in Paris, Opening Ceremony, Zakka, Memes, St. Mark's BookShop, MoMa Bookstore and The Reed Space in NYC, The Social Trust in LA and ParkLife in SF.

Price: $16 + shipping ($6 U.S., $12 for Intl.)